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Heritage Seedlings is the leading WHOLESALE propagator of deciduous, unusual ornamental trees and shrubs. We sell more than 500 varieties of unusual seedlings and an amazing variety of the latest, hard-to-find selections grown by grafting, cuttings, and tissue culture. In addition to many unusual woody plants we have a strong emphasis on unique and rare maples, yellow Magnolias, rare Magnolias and new Magnolia selections from breeders.  We also feature new dogwoods varieties, hard to find redbuds, liners, and rare grafts. Our selections are constantly being changed and updated.  To view our current availability please go to Wholesale Ordering.

Use the filters on the left to check characteristics that fit your needs, or use the plant database search feature located on the top right of the screen to search by KEY WORDS (common name, variety, species etc.). To narrow your search, be as specific as possible with key words.

Japanese Tree Lilac

Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac

Tiny Dancer™ Common Lilac

National Road™ Pond Cypress


Falling Waters Baldcypress

Peve Minaret Baldcypress

Apache Chief® Baldcypress

Princeton American Elm

Valley Forge American Elm

Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria

Mountain Gordlinia

Japanese Zelkova

Village Green™ Zelkova