We contract grow large orders utilizing genetics you’ve identified, or to meet your hardiness or size and tree form specifications. Start a conversation, please call, (503) 585-9835 or email us with your request. sales@heritageseedlings.com Click HERE to signup for our email list
Our catalog reflects the full range of available woodies and perennials at season's beginning. Please check our current availability(below) for an up-to-date list. Please note: pricing is WHOLESALE only, based on orders of $750 US. (See the Native Seed page for minimum seed orders.)
Our Size Guide is here.
To view our documents below, use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader®. Please click HERE to download the latest version, if needed.
Email your order, fax, or call.
2024-2025 Wholesale Catalog(pdf), ± 1 minute |
Spring 2025 Availability List 03/18/2025(Excel version) |
Order Form(pdf) |
Spring 2025 Availability List 03/18/2025(pdf version) |
Year-round for some limited plug-grown items.
Bare root plants are dug in winter months, our humidified cold storage allows us to ship dormant stock well into spring, from early February until about early-April.
To request credit terms, customers must complete our Credit Application (pdf) and mail/fax/email us the original. Allow at least 4-8 weeks to process.
... a comprehensive review of the business details in our relationship - minimum order, deposit and payment, credit policy, delivery methods, etc. Please review this carefully so we can answer any additional questions you may have.
... quality assurance, and THANKS !