Of the millions of plants we propagate annually,
- All are propagated with emphasis on vigorous roots.
- Most woody seedlings are propagated for use as rootstock, but most of our sales are vegetatively-propagated liners to grow out in your field or greenhouse.
- We offer liners grown in small pots, or bare root from 6 inches to 5 feet tall.
- Field-grown seedlings and transplants, and bulb-tray grown seedlings from greenhouses are shaken free of soil and shipped in winter.
- Year-round delivery is available for select plugs grown in an automated 5-acre retractable-roof greenhouse.
- 500,000 cu. ft. of cold storage allows us to ship dormant stock from early November until late April.
Our customers include other wholesale nurseries, garden centers, and landscape firms - mainly n the US and Canada. 